
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Sense of Life

October 6, 2005
Sense of Life
Daily Linz 4 - Puffing Beast
by Lindsay Perigo
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I have a confession to make. It is a landmark confession, crucial to my recovery from the deadly malaise of which I am about to speak. (Read more...)
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October 3, 2005
Sense of Life
Daily Linz 1 - The Wise and the Wet
by Lindsay Perigo
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The cliché is true -- youth is primarily and enduringly a state of mind. Above infirmities and deformities notwithstanding, I constantly assume, with no conscious effort to do so, that I have an entire lifetime ahead of me still, and am astonished, not to mention a little annoyed, when I am reminded that fifty-three years have already elapsed. How can this be, when I’m just getting started? In any event, this is a promise (warning?) that y’ain’t seen nuttin’ yet. (Read more...)
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September 28, 2005
Sense of Life
by William Anthony Bardel
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Your whole life you hear about so many “amazing” things in the world, but I wonder how many of these things would really amaze me. I am, however, certain of at least one thing that does.
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September 15, 2005
Sense of LifeThe Free Radical
Julia Duncan Brent - Another Rising Star
by Julia Brent
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From the Free Radical, an interview with SOLO's new Director of Operations. (Read more...)
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September 12, 2005
Sense of Life
"Give It Away?!"
by Bob Palin
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During Mass, I would go through all the motions expected of me, standing, kneeling, sitting and being quiet. But my mind was normally elsewhere, thinking about comic books or girls, depending on my age at the time. I didn’t usually pay much attention to the sermons but one in particular stands out clearly in my mind, even decades after the event. (Read more...)
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September 9, 2005
Sense of Life
Hazards of Benevolence
by Luke Setzer
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It was through the role as a mentor that I learned some of the hazards of benevolently giving a protégé the benefit of the doubt. While I still consider benevolence a major virtue, I have shrunk what I consider "the bounds of reason" for generosity substantially. Anyone who consults my advice had better prepare for a kick in the seat of the pants from a very unapologetic mentor. (Read more...)
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September 7, 2005
Sense of Life
What I Saw In and Out of the Trenches
by Jody Allen Gomez
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As the author of our current poll, which asked what philosophical skeletons we have in our closets, I thought it only proper that I weigh in with my own story. The poll, more than anything, is about our individual journeys and the wars (cultural and otherwise) we had to fight to get here. So here are my unadulterated thoughts from that initial post ... my reminiscences of the past, and the vision that the poll itself elicited. (Read more...)
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September 4, 2005
Sense of Life
Some Admirable Things
by Jeffrey Perren
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Art, as important as it is, doesn't exhaust the field of human products that can provide spiritual fuel.  The beauty and utility of modern technology, as well as the inspiring stories of those who create it, can show us that the heroes of Atlas Shrugged are living today. (Read more...)
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September 1, 2005
Sense of Life
The New Puritans
by Andy Postema
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Where we find small pleasures in a smoke and drink, the new Puritans see only poison to be purged. Where we find relaxation in common entertainments, they see only decadence to be avoided. Where we find release in anger and joy, they see only stress to be eliminated. Where we find dignity in keeping our foibles to ourselves, they see only rot to be cleansed by a public confession. Where we find happiness in untidy lives lived lustily, they see only candidates for a twelve-step program. (Read more...)
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August 29, 2005
Sense of Life
Ye' Ole' Skills-o'-Icon-Catchin'
by Ed Thompson
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SOLOists have a remarkably keen sense of authenticity and, at the same time, a remarkable tolerance for individual diversity (SOLO may be a world leader here). It is almost as if we appreciate that you are letting your unique light shine, even while simultaneously disagreeing with the point made! (Read more...)
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August 17, 2005
Sense of Life
This Boy's Not For Turning
by Lindsay Perigo
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I will not let my fire go out—or allow anyone to extinguish it—"spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all." (Read more...)
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August 16, 2005
Sense of Life
Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing
by Michael Stuart Kelly
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A tribute to a dear woman, with unwavering love and gratitude .... (Read more...)
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August 10, 2005
Sense of Life
A Sense of Life
by Derek McGovern
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Linz remains an enigmatic figure to many. So what's he really like? Let me try to untangle the myths from the man. (Read more...)
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August 8, 2005
Sense of Life
The Power of Love (A Sequel)
by David Bertelsen
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If you love somebody, by all means, shower them with affection, passion, adoration. But remember the things in each other that made you get to that place of special love. Build lives that engage and develop the best within yourself and your lover. (Read more...)
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August 6, 2005
Sense of Life
Why I Like Genealogy - A Plagiaristic Parody of Ayn Rand's Essay on Stamp Collecting
by Roger E. Bissell
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I am often asked why people like genealogy. So widespread a hobby can obviously have many different motives. I can answer only in regard to my own motives, which I have observed also in some of the genealogists I have met. The pleasure lies in a certain special way of using one's mind. (Read more...)
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August 4, 2005
Sense of Life
The Magnificent Seven Billion
by Ross Elliot
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Seven million pounds of thrust hurls them upward faster than a speeding bullet. Their journey is fraught with peril. It must be, for Man dares to break free of his home. (Read more...)
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August 3, 2005
Sense of Life
A Healthy Mind In a Healthy Body
by Michael E. Marotta
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To me, a good sport demands many skills, rewards individual effort, rewards agility rather than aggression, demands intelligence, insight, and foresight, and rewards memory and integration. A good sport does not penalize for physical size and can be played equally well by men and women together. (Read more...)
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August 2, 2005
Sense of Life
I Didn't Pray Yesterday
by Merlin Jetton
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The truth is, I don't pray on any day. But yesterday was a special day to not pray. I went to my uncle's funeral. (Read more...)
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August 1, 2005
Sense of Life
Good Guys, Not Superheroes
by Ross Elliot
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Objectivism is a grand abstraction to which we must all attach our own frame of reference, our own context. We live our less-than-perfect lives through illness, arguments, tragedy, destitution and heartache. We're defined not by these hurdles, but by how we overcome them, by how we use our minds and our passion, guided by that grand Randian abstraction, to live decently and triumphantly. (Read more...)
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July 27, 2005
Sense of Life
Free to Live Life
by James Kilbourne
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The brilliant achievement of capitalism is the freeing of the individual to achieve his own potential, and as millions are doing this, they are redefining the attributes of what it means to be a fully actualized human being. People are becoming bigger, stronger, more empathetic, more self-aware and self-reliant, more knowledgeable, less prejudiced—in short, capitalism is producing a more civilized human animal. To say that you believe in human dignity and well being is to say you believe in capitalism. (Read more...)
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July 20, 2005
Sense of Life
A Toast to TOC-Schenectady
by Andrew Bissell
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We all have moments in our lives that are so rare and precious, they’re worth bottling. At The Objectivist Center’s Summer Seminar in Schenectady last week, these moments flowed like water. (Read more...)
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July 16, 2005
Sense of Life
Who Wants To Live Forever?
by Marcus Bachler
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It has been my dream since a young age to find a cure for aging. However, the idea of human immortality can be frightening for some. (Read more...)
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July 4, 2005
Sense of Life
Holding Court - July 5, 2005
by Barbara Branden
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Metaphysics and You, Steve Ditko, Star Trek, and "Objectivism" (Read more...)
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July 4, 2005
Sense of Life
July 4th - What Is Independence?
by Ed Hudgins
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July 4th should not only remind us of our political independence from Britain. It should also call to mind the joys of being morally, intellectually and economically independent, and what is to be true Americans. Thus if we recommit ourselves to individual independence, if we recognize what makes our country great and what can help each of us flourish, then at our picnics, parties and cookouts on Independence Day, we’ll really have something to celebrate! (Read more...)
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July 1, 2005
Sense of Life
The Tonic of Love
by David Bertelsen
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At its best, love inspires us to wonderful things and connects us deeply to our own feelings. This is the hopeful beginning to my new fairytale, as a flicker of romance reignites my soul and fills me with a magnificent feeling of optimism and joy. (Read more...)
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